Armin Alaghi Wins Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding PhD Research

PhD candidate Armin Alaghi has been selected to receive the Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding PhD Research for his poster presentation at the 8th Annual Engineering Graduate Symposium, which took place at the U-M North Campus on November 15, 2013. A record 280 graduate students presented at this year’s symposium.
Armin Alaghi’s research is on stochastic computing, which is an unconventional technique that processes bit-streams interpreted as probabilities. Stochastic circuits can implement complex analog operations by means of simple logic circuits. Armin has developed systematic methods of analyzing and designing such circuits.
His poster at the symposium was entitled, “Enhancing Vision via Stochastic Computing.” It demonstrates how stochastic computing can be exploited in mobile image-processing applications and vision chips. It shows that the simplicity of stochastic circuits allows for massively parallel processing of images in real-time.
Mr. Alaghi works with Prof. John P. Hayes in the Advanced Computer Architecture Laboratory.
About the Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Outstanding Ph.D. Research
This is a college-level competition across departments for Ph.D. graduate students who are within one and one-half years of degree completion. It is intended to highlight the innovation and creativity demonstrated by our Ph.D. students, and will reward their outstanding research achievements. Departments may each nominate one graduate student for this award. Nominated students must present a poster at the Engineering Graduate Symposium and submit additional materials. A panel will select three student winners for this award.